Monday, November 01, 2004

Launch: November 8

I went ahead and set this bastard up today, but its not going to launch until next Monday. There's just too much going on this week with school, the GRE, and of course, Stevie JJ coming into town again this weekend.

Don't expect too much to start with, but eventually, you can of course expect to be blown away as I'll provide you with day after day of entertaining musings, links, suggestions, appeals, etc as I work on yet another way to interact with my adoring fans (aka friends) across the country. I guess I've finally recovered from the haze that was this weekend and realized that I need to be in much more consistent contact with some of you than I have been and I figure this method is worth a shot. If nothing else, we can all explore ideas for the very hippie-esque, yet extremely awesome sounding compound proposed this weekend where we can all live together and god forbid, raise our offspring.

Just as in how I live my life, this thing will always be open to suggestions from you all. Keep in mind however that I reserve the right to blow them off - and of course accept them as well. Bring on the jokes about me and my internet usage...

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