Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Vote or Die!

According to our good friend Sean "P Diddy" Combs, tonight is the last night of my life. I unfortunately forgot to send in my absentee ballot, therefore negating my opportunity to vote in this fall's election. It's been nice knowing everyone. I go off to class now thankful that the state I am registered to vote in (Indiana) is a lock in the only two races I knew anything about (federal) and the state I live in (Illinois) is the same way. Hopefully I don't wake up to some shock tomorrow where my one vote would have made the difference. I guess since I'll be dead, it won't be that big of a deal.

Please, please start watching South Park. If you're missing it, you're missing out on tremendous social commentary right now, including an episode last week which mocked Diddy's "Vote or Die" campaign to the fullest. I won't ruin the song, but ask Rinaker to sing it for you. He just left me a great rendition on my voicemail.

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